Updates: Dragon Hall and Dragon Hall 2

Last week we updated our two asset packs Dragon Hall and Dragon Hall 2, created with Unreal Engine.

An image showing the updated asset packs Dragon Hall and Dragon Hall 2.

Updates: Dragon Hall & Dragon Hall 2

Last week we started working on some updates. The first 2 asset packs updated are Dragon Hall and Dragon Hall 2. 

The constructive feedback collected from our users pointed out some spaces for improvements, so with extra help we managed to update both packs in a short time. All models, materials and textures are updated. The lighting is improved. Minor bug fixes. 

The update for both asset packs includes two additional versions, Unreal Engine 4.26 + and Unreal Engine 5 with Lumen settings.

The goal of these updates is to improve the user experience and the quality of our asset packs. All feedback can be sent in via email, social media or blogs. Contact email: info@dexsoft-games.com